Rich text editor


Download extremely less sized lecture videos of high quality and import them to watch anytime anywhere.


During this pandemic situation, allows teachers to teach remotely without having high speed internet connectivity. Also students can learn using less bandwidth with high quality video.

Rich text editor


Make lecture videos without any external light, camera, microphone in high quality and share them using whatsapp.

Virtual Blackboard Android App

Experience the new way of teaching and learning
with Virtual Blackboard Mobile Apps.

Less size

These media (video) files are of lesser size. Each 30 minutes media (video) file made using this application is just 6 MB. Hence, it requires very less space to store hours of media (video) files made using Virtual Blackboard.

Generic Solution

This application can be used for various purposes. Its use is not limited till making educational videos only. Using this application, one can make quick notes for any lectures, discussions, and meetings. Or one can use this application for step by step drawing etc.

Easy Sharing

The file is small in size, it becomes easy to share. The application is made such that the files can be easily shared using mail or by using Whatsapp. Once the file is selected it becomes ready to share. There is no need to browse. The attachment is effortlessly done.

Synced with Audio

While creating media (video) files, audio also gets recorded. While playing the created media (audio) file, video as well as audio can be seen and heard. Just like any other video and tutorials.

High Quality

The media files in the application are all vector based. Hence all the media (video) files made are high quality. That is, if these videos are enlarged or zoomed in, then the quality will not degrade. The quality will be maintained as it is.

Offline Use

Virtual blackboard needs minimal internet connection. It requires internet connection to just share the files. Other than that, it does not need any internet connection to create media (video) file. Nor does it require any internet connection to view the created media (video) file again and again.

User Friendly

Virtual Blackboard is very easy-to-use. It has a very friendly User Interface. In a few applications, there is a need to learn how to operate those applications. But, in this application here is no such need.

For Everyone

Virtual Blackboard is made for all types of users. This application can be used by people of any age group. Also, it can be used by people belonging to different occupations.

Just 3 steps

Virtual Blackboard has all the required features that will make it easier for a teacher to teach. It is the best App for students to learn from remote places.


1. Capture book pages and load existing image slides

Teachers can capture book pages, images, notes and make slides easily for teaching. Already created slides can also be browsed for making videos.


Make less sized lecture videos for all subjects

Teachers will get complete freedom to refer to all their teaching reference materials so that they can create the best lecture videos for their students whenever and wherever they want.


Shared lecture video

Teachers can share captured video lecture file to their students in just one click through WhatsApp. Sharing of files to students is very easy if you make Whatsapp groups for your students.

App Printscreens

See all printscreens and know that how it is so easy to operate for any age groups user.

Start Page

Virtual Blackboard Pro App

Slide Index Page

Virtual Blackboard Pro App

New File

Virtual Blackboard Pro App

Record Lecture Page

Virtual Blackboard Pro App

Share File

Virtual Blackboard Pro App

Import Shared File

Virtual Blackboard Pro App

Apps for Teacher and Student

Virtual Blackboard FREE
Virtual Blackboard for Student
Create video without slide
Update file info for searchable
No file sharable option
import shared file
Create image slides
Virtual Blackboard for Teacher
Virtual Blackboard for Teacher
Create video with slides
Update file information
Share files
No option for import files
Create image slides
Virtual Blackboard Pro
Virtual Blackboard Pro
Create video with slides
Update file information
Share files
Import shared files
Create image slides
$3 / One time only
Contact us if you need any customized features with these Apps for your organization.

Contact us

Feel free to send us an email with your enquiries, questions, or any feedback. We will be very happy to answer your question. Use contact form below to send us.

Coming soon

Digital Education System

Low cost based one stop solution for all education organization .